About Me

          My programs are unique.  Instead of a school-wide assembly where every child is a spectator, I offer classroom workshops and residencies where every child is an active participant.  Most assembly programs only allow a limited opportunity for student engagement and interaction.  Yet all the research shows that students learn faster, create fewer disruptions, and retain more knowledge when they are actively engaged in the learning process. 

I consider myself a catalyst.  My role is to provide students with the tools, materials, and guidance they need for discovery learning.  I believe that learning is something that children do, not something that is done to them.  I want children to know they can be artists and to learn how they can use art based knowledge and skills.  I enjoy working with kids and am inspired by what they create.

I have a valid Washington State teaching certificate and my experience includes private schools and homeschoolers as well as public schools.  I offer a wide variety of science workshops and artist in residencies.   In addition to these, I can also create or workshop or residency tailored to your specific needs.  Some of my favorite and/or most successful residencies, such as ceramics or calculator skills have been the result of a request to fill a particular need. Feel free to contact me for more information.

Contact Me!


